Reflection on College Writing

All entering first year students complete the Reflection on College Writing, an online course in Canvas, the 菠菜网lol正规平台 learning management system.


How Do I Complete this Work?

When Do I Need to Have this Work Completed?

How Do I Contact the RCW Team?


The Reflection on College Writing (RCW) is the prerequisite for enrolling in ENGL 1A和英语1AF. The online activities are designed to familiarize you with academic reading and writing before you make a decision about which class to take. RCW的 also gives your instructors and writing program administrators a sense of who you are as a writer and what levels of academic support (supplemental instruction, tutoring) you may need to succeed in your first year of studies at 菠菜网lol正规平台.


  • Read a professional narrative (Assignment 1)

  • Reflect on your understanding of the narrative and its rhetorical features (Survey 1)

  • Respond to the narrative (Assignment 2)

  • Reflect on your level of confidence in engaging with a text through writing (Survey 2)

  • Explore your first-year writing class options (Assignment 3)

  • Decide which first-year writing class to take (Survey 3) 

How Do I Complete This Work?

你’ll receive an invitation to the online, asynchronous course June 1, 2024. 你 can complete the activities in 一个 sitting or over several days.

To enroll in your first-year writing course during your Sparta Camp 取向, you’ll need to finish the RCW by the date indicated on the 截止日期表

When Do I Need to Have This Work Completed?

To enroll in your first-year writing course during your Sparta Camp 取向, you’ll need to finish the RCW by the date indicated on the 截止日期表

How Do I Contact the RCW Team?

If you have questions, please email